East Midlands Churches Day has been operating for a couple of decades now. It was started by the East Midlands Evangelical Ministers' Fraternal as a means of expressing the unity existing between Bible-Believing Churches across the region. That unity is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as proclaimed in the Word of God. The preaching and teaching of the Bible has therefore been central to the day from the outset.

The event has been held in Lutterworth Grammar school, (with the preaching service at St Mary's Church, where John Wycliffe ministered), at Garendon High School, in Loughborough, and most recently at Brockington College in Enderby. It has always been funded by voluntary donations from the churches.

Also invited are numerous Evangelical mission organisations which are there to inform and infuse Christians about mission, encouraging partnership, prayer and service.

Provision is made for all the family and especially for children with various activities being organised, including film shows, It's a Knockout, and the ever popular 5-a-side football and kids club.